Meeting Pearls 4
Meeting Pearls Vol. IV (1996)(GTI - Schatztruhe)[!].iso
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Text File
252 lines
## ##
## Changes from v1.1 to v1.2 ##
## ##
Changes in Mail Manager:
- Added 'CatchUp' entry to the Miscellaneous menu of the Areas, Messages and
Browse windows
- Added 'Matrix Reply' entry to the 'Message' menu in the Messages and
Browse windows
- Added 'Copy to Clipboard' entry to the 'Message' menu in the Messages and
Browse windows
- Added 'Toggle New Flag' entry to the 'Message' menu in the Messages and
Browse windows
- Added 'UnSelect' entry in the cycle gadget of the Flags window.
- Added 'CatchUp' function. It flags as READ all the msgs in an area.
- Added 'Matrix Reply' function. It replies to the matrix area with the
address nearer to the address used in the original echo area.
- Added 'Copy to Clipboard' function. It copies the current message to the
- Completelly changed the management of the charsets. Now MM assumes that
in your text editor you are always using a LATIN font. Many users/testers
reported me that this should be the right behaveour.
- Implemented Custom Functions. Implemented:
- Now in the Browse window if you press '0' on the numeric keypad MM will
scroll down the msg of one page. When it is on the end of the msg it will
go to the next msg in the thread. When it is on the last msg of the
thread it will read the next unread message. When you reach the end of
the messages in the area it goes to the next area with unread messages,
and starts reading the first unread message.
- Now, while looking in the userlist, MM uses the entry with the address
nearer to the address used in the area.
- Now during the Delete / Optimize of Quick and Compressed areas MM
automatically performs a renumber only if #AUTORENUMBER is set
- Now the Renumber function works also on Quick and Compressed areas.
Remember that you MUST renumber an area BEFORE its HiMsgNum reaches 65535.
- Now the TickCommand supports also the \% control character
- Now the maximum lenght for the Logos strings is 512 chrs
- Now the internal FileRequest utility allows you to enter filenames up to
64 chrs long.
- Now, while forwarding a msg, if 'Quote Kludges' is selected MM will
include the kludges and the footer of the forwarded msg
- Now MM imports also bundles with 4D filenames and a letter as last chr of
the extension
- Now the 'DESC' keyword in the .TIC parsing is no more passed through but
simply skipped.
- Now MM correctly parses also AREA: lines with a space between the 'AREA:'
keyword and the TagName
- Now when MM parses the TickCommand string it replaces every ` with an ' so
it should solve problems with DOS and the pipe chr.
- Inserted the Kill Sent gadget in the cycle chain of the Message Parameters
- Now MM and MM_Prefs use the correct background for Framed Groups
- Now MM correctly reactivates the areas list when you go back to the Areas
- Changed the objects activation order in the Message Parameters Window in
order to correctly work also with MUI 3.x
- Now when MM autocreates an area it replaces '/' in the area Path with '_'
- Now when you Edit an UNSENT message, MM preserves also the RRR flag of the
original message
- Now during the DeepScan of a Plain area MM correctly set the SYSOP flag
even if the msg is addressed to the configured Alias for the area.
- Now during the DeepScan of a Plain area MM correctly sets the UNREPLIED
- Now also the sorting by 'From' and by 'To' in the Messages window is case
- Now if a matrix file attached is flagged as KILLSENT the file will be
deleted by the mailer after being sent.
- Now MinFreeMem messages are written to the logs only with levels higher
than 3
- Redesigned the Area Statistics window
- Improved the userlist management for UUCP addresses.
- Improved the routines for the recognition of quoted lines.
- Improved the routines for the area recognition for netmail messages.
- Improved the LOW MEM routines. Fixed an ugly bug that could create a guru.
- Fixed a bug in the parsing of control chrs.
- Fixed a bug in the parsing of control codes (%s)
- Fixed a bug in the parsing of control codes (\%)
- Fixed a bug in the forward routines. Tear and Origin lines were not
stripped when the msg was forwarded in a mail area.
- Fixed a bug in the EditMsg function when multisend is selected
- Fixed a bug in the File Request function ( it tried to open a .REQ file
addressed to a point )
- Fixed a bug in the address compare function.
- Fixed a small bug in the IBM->LATIN charset translation table
- Fixed a problem with the TAB key in the Browse window
- Fixed a problem in the tear lines
- Fixed an enforcer hit during the import of tick files without a Password
Changes in the ARexx interface:
- Added some new Arexx Commands:
- Changed syntax of MM_QuoteMsg ARexx command.
- Added <STEM>.ARCHIVER field to the stem returned from MM_GetNodeInfo
- Added <STEM>.ALIAS field to the stem returned from MM_GetAreaInfo
- Added <STEM>.CFGFILE field to the stem returned from MM_GetCfgPaths
- Added UNKNWAREA, UNLNKNODE, DUPE, to the flags returned from MM_ReadMsg
- Now MM_SearchMsg is able also to search for the following flags:
- Increased to 8192 bytes the maximum line lenght read by MM_ReadStem.
- Now the AREA: line is considered as a kludge in MM_ReadMsg
- Now MM_MultiSelReq and MM_SingleSelReq correctly returns RC = 1 only if
the user pressed the Cancel gadget
- Fixed a Bug in MM_DelAreaNode and MM_DelTickAreaNode. They do not update
correctly the ReadOnly and WriteOnly flags of the area
- Now if you flag as SENT a msg written with MM_WriteMsg it will be flaged
as SENT also in the GUI windows.
- Now MM_EditMsgFlags correctly updates the number of UnReplied, New and
Sysop messages showed in the Areas List.
- Back to SetRexxVar(msg,var,"",0);
Changes in the Configuration:
- Added #CUSTOMFUNCTION configuration parameter
- Added #(NO)AUTORENUMBER configuration parameter
- Now if you specify 'NONE' as Archiver in a #NODE line EchoMail for that
node will be sent uncompressed
- Fixed a small bug in MM_Prefs in the management of listviews with a
Default entry
- Added two new control characters:
%J - Address of the Addressee ( without Domain )
%j - Address of the Addressee ( without Point and Domain )
## ##
## Changes from v1.0 to v1.1 ##
## ##
Changes in Mail Manager:
- Now MM automatically loads MM_Prefs if it doesn't find the configuration
- Changed the routing management. If MM cannot find a valid routing it
routes the message to the listed node nearer to the destination address of
the message. With this feature normal points should be able to completelly
ignore the routing statements.
- Now if you are a Point and there is no node linked to an ECHO or TICK area
MM will automatically link your Boss to the area.
- Added 3 completelly new Text Styles for colored texts:
# - Fill Pen
$ - Shine Pen
^ - Highlight Pen
- Completelly changed the Text Styles routines. Now should always work.
- Now MM supports also multiple text styles.
- Improved the quoting routines for already quoted lines.
- Now during the quoting of a msg, Seen-By lines are no more reflown. This
fixes also the problem of the Seen-By lines quoted also with QuoteKludges
- Added full support for UUCP Addresses and Gates in the Userlist and in the
Message Parameters Window.
- Improved support for ^REPLYADDR and ^REPLYTO kludges.
- Improved the Userlist support. Added UserName completion.
- Added a button in the Message Parameters Window in NetMail Areas to show
some information about the Destination Node of the message.
- Added Support for the 'KILLSENT' Flag in the Message Parameters Window.
- Now when you are going to delete many UnSent messages MM will open the
confirmation requester only once.
- Fixed a bug in the parsing of the control codes in the Forward text.
- Implemented support for Random Origins.
- Fixed the bug of the missing leading blank lines on edited messages.
- Now the File Request window is partially asynchronous.
- Now the File Request function loads existing .REQ files.
- Improved the MinFreeMem routines. Now MM first frees areas left untouched
by a longer time.
- Now MM no more oblige you to enter twice in an area if a MinFreeMem happen
while you are entering in the area.
- Small improvements to the memory management.
- Fixed a bug that creates problems during the import of messages with too
long ^aMSGID: and ^aREPLY: lines.
- Now MM checks the format of the date of a message also during export.
- Now MM should be able to import also incomplete (FD-like) FSC-0039 PKTs.
- Now MM support also letters as last chr of bundle names.
- Improved the bundle recognition routines.
- Increased to 1024 the maximum number of TICs that MM is allowed to import
in a single import session.
- Changed the format of the msgbases. MM should automatically upgrade your
- Completelly changed the dupechecking routines. Now MM stores the dupes
data in a separate file. Added Dupe Checking also in PassThrough areas.
- Now the rescue of a corrupted message base works also on Unregistered
- Improved support for the Professional File System.
- Fixed some minor bugs.
- Many minor improvements.
Changes in the ARexx interface:
- Added one ARexx Command: MM_Version STEM/A
- Added one ARexx Command: MM_ListMsgs AREATAG/A, STEM/A
- Changed syntax of MM_Rescan ARexx Command. Added support for a date
limited Rescan.
- Now MM_Import returns:
0 - No message imported
1 - Matrix messages imported
2 - Echo messages imported
3 - Matrix & Echo messages imported
- Added <STEM>.TEMPFILE to the stem returned by MM_GetCfgPaths.
- Now MM correctly exits if during a MM_LoadCfg it founds an error in the
Changes in the Configuration:
- Now if you specify "Delete By Date" MM will delete messages by Import Date
and the number specified is the number of DAYS left.
- Added #NUMDUPES <number of dupes> parameter.
- Added 'NumDupes' line to #AREA parameters.
- Added #ORIGINRANDOM <label> "<OriginsFile>" parameter.
- Added #(NO)ADDRETOSUBJ parameter.
- Added #TEMPFILE "<filename>" parameter.
Changes in MM_Prefs:
- Now if MM_Prefs doesn't find a configuration file it is able to create a
default Point configuration.
- Now MM_Prefs is able to delete a node still listed in Areas and Routing
- Fixed some bugs.